Saturday, March 31, 2012

Who am I, who are you, and who is that guy staring at me outside my window?

Three questions. The first I am about to answer, the second only you can answer for yourself, and the third I have absolutely no idea. It is kind of freaking me out. Maybe I should close my window.
Anyways, who am I? This is a question many people have tried to answer, and quite frankly have failed at doing so. But, hopefully today and throughout my use of this blog I will able to shed a little light on this confronted issue.

My name is Josh (insert cool middle name) Harmon. I am from Dallas, Texas but currently go to Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, which is a Liberal Arts Catholic college dedicated on providing an education of men and women within a community of faith and scholarship...and to teach us how to fight crime like Batman (Yes, that was a plug). Now, I come from a normal sized Catholic family. I have five older sisters and two, much older, parents. Yes I am the only boy, yes women scare me, and yes I know more about the feminine mind than the average bear...or guy. I am 6 feet tall and a compulsive liar about my height. I also have all of the normal human characteristics one should have. However, my most distinguishing quality is my glorious beard. It is so great that if it was ever in an arm wrestling match with Chuck Norris' beard, mine would come in second. My temperament is 90% Phlegmatic and 10% Sanguine, meaning I'm pretty lazy so I don't know how frequently I will update this blog but there is a 10% chance that I might just go crazy and make a post of me trying to type with my feet.

You should now have a relatively good idea of what I look like and my child hood. Now let's talk about what I will write about. As I stated before, I go to a Catholic College. So naturally I worship Zeus, and by Zeus I mean I don't worship Zeus at all. I'm actually Catholic. Crazy right? So I imagine that some of what I talk about will be my views on Catholic subjects such as Christian movies. I may also write reviews on movies I see or books I read or possibly a new pair of Converse I buy. Honestly, I have absolutely no idea what I will write about. I started this blog because two friends of mine, a  nun and a someone I go to school with, convinced me to start this. And because a nun gave me this idea it must be from God right? So I will basically write about things that are happening in my life or anything I want to.

I hope anyone who reads this blog finds some enjoyment from it. I feel that if I cannot put at least one smile on the face of someone or an inquisitive question into a persons mind then this whole blog will have been a waste and I could have found some other activity to use for pracrastination from homework. Anyways, I hope you read this and enjoy it.

-Bearded Harmony

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9


  1. Oh Bearded Harmony, thanks for putting a smile on my face!


  2. You have a hilarious,unique voice. Love it! FYI--You need to change one of your "my"s to "me" in the title..the one before "outside."

  3. @Teeny Haha thanks sister :) Can't wait to see you in 24 days.

    @NYW Thank you so much. Haha I should probably proofread a little more.

    1. It is so easy not to see your own mistakes. I do it all the time because I see what is written in my head, not what I typed or wrote down.

  4. Your first post was completely nonsensical. I love it. It also got more comments than any of my posts. I hate it.
